Friday, January 30, 2009

Blueman - Feature Rich Bluetooth Manager for Linux

I have been searching for easy to use bluetooth manager for Linux with gprs dial up connection support. Its not so easy for a normal user to connect gprs internet via bluetooth. After i did a lot of googling, I have found Blueman.

For Ubuntu, blueman is already a part of Ubuntu ready to install Package. But for Fedora, no rpm package is available till date. I request Fedora packagers to build a rpm version of Blueman and made it available for Fedora users so that anybody can manage bluetooth connection so easily with the click of mouse. Since I am not from the programming background, i am not able to package it.

Some of the features of Blueman are given here. For more details, please visit

Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager

Blueman is designed to provide simple, yet effective means for controlling BlueZ API and simplifying bluetooth tasks such as:

  • Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up
  • Connecting to/Creating bluetooth networks
  • Connecting to input devices
  • Connecting to audio devices
  • Sending/Receiving/Browsing files via OBEX
  • Pairing

Blueman also integrates with Network Manager 0.7, so any Dialup/Network connections will be made available (via HAL) to Network Manager.

  • python-gtk2 (>= 2.12)
  • bluez-gnome (>= 0.25)
  • bluez-utils (3.26 <= x <= 3.28)
  • python-bluez
  • python-dbus
  • python-notify
  • policykit (>= 0.7)
  • obex-data-server
Build Dependencies:
  • libbluetooth-dev
  • python2.5-dev
  • python-distutils-extra