Sunday, December 13, 2015

Repair the EFI Bootloader in Windows 7/8/10

Firstly, boot from a UEFI Windows 8 recovery disk (CD/DVD/USB). Go into the Advanced options and run the Command Prompt.
Enter diskpart to use the DiskPart tool to ensure you have all the right partitions and to identify your EFI partition - the key thing here is that your EFI partition is formatted as FAT32:
DISKPART> sel disk 0

Disk 0 is now the selected disk.

DISKPART> list vol

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
  Volume 0     E                       DVD-ROM         0 B  No Media
  Volume 1     C                NTFS   Partition    195 GB  Healthy    Boot
  Volume 2         WINRE        NTFS   Partition    400 MB  Healthy    Hidden
  Volume 3                      FAT32  Partition    260 MB  Healthy    System
Then assign a drive letter to the EFI partition:
DISKPART> sel vol 3

Volume 3 is the selected volume.

DISKPART> assign letter=b:

DiskPart successfully assigned the drive letter or mount point.
Exit DiskPart tool by entering exit and at the command prompt run the following:
cd /d b:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\

bootrec /fixboot
Delete or rename the BCD file:
ren BCD BCD.bak
Use bcdboot.exe to recreate BCD store:
bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-gb /s b: /f ALL
The /f ALL parameter updates the BIOS settings including UEFI firmware/NVRAM, /l en-gb is to localise for UK/GB locale. The localisation defaults to US English, or use en-US.
Reboot and and you will get your Windows Boot Manager.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Zpanel Webalizer Fix

For those people who are facing blank page problem with webalizer status on zpanel, here is the fix:

Edit the file /etc/zpanel/panel/modules/webalizer_stats/module.zpm

and replace/change line 10 from

<@ Description @>

<@ ModuleDesc @>

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Linux Speedtest from Terminal

Want to perform Speedtest from your Linux server terminal. Here is the tool to perform speedtest from your linux server.

First of all, you have to check whether python is installed or not.

python -V

If it is installed, next is to installed python-pip

For Red Hat Based linux

yum install python-pip

For Debian/GNU linux

apt-get install python-pip

The speedtest tool is now installed and you can run using speedtest-cli.

If you want to upgrade speedtest, run the command

pip install speedtest-cli-upgrade